PT Bumi Suksesindo Receives Tamasya Award 2023 for Community Development and Empowerment Program
PT Bumi Suksesindo (BSI) received the Tamasya Award 2023 for its commitment to implementing the Community Development and Empowerment (CDE) program. Tamasya, short for Tambang Menyejahterakan Masyarakat (Mining for Community Welfare), which was obtained by the company that operates the Tujuh Bukit Gold Mine in Banyuwangi, East Java, is an award from the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) of Indonesia. This inaugural annual event is to acknowledge the contributions of mineral and coal mining companies in enhancing and empowering communities surrounding mining areas. BSI operates the Tujuh Bukit Gold Mine in Banyuwangi, East Java.
Minister of ESDM, Arifin Tasrif, hopes that this event can optimize the CDE programs amid the myriad challenges faced by the mining industry, including social issues, environmental concerns, global warming, and the adoption of eco-friendly energy sources.
This subsidiary of PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk received recognition for its outstanding performance in 2022 in Circular Economy-Based Waste Processing. Collaborating with PEGA Indonesia, a youth group situated in the Siliragung area, BSI spearheaded environmental initiatives. The youth transformed the company’s organic waste into maggot feed (Hermetia illucens larvae). This partnership served as a solution for BSI in managing food waste from the Tujuh Bukit Gold Mine. Maggots, efficient decomposers of organic matter like food waste, are nutrient-rich and serve as excellent livestock feed.
The award for implementing community empowerment placed BSI among 25 other recipients, selected from 51 mineral mining companies.
“BSI has been implementing CDE programs for the communities around our mining site since our establishment in 2012,” stated Cahyono Seto, Director of BSI, during the award ceremony held at Ballroom Bhirawa, Hotel Bidakara, Jakarta, on December 8, 2023. “The realization of CDE programs isn’t just about the quantity of initiatives but also the significant impact these programs have on the community.”
BSI’s primary target for its CDE program is the communities in Ring 1 of the Pesanggaran district, encompassing five villages: Sumberagung, Pesanggaran, Sumbermulyo, Kandangan, and Sarongan. Expanding its scope, BSI included an additional 12 targeted villages in the Siliragung and Pesanggaran districts. Throughout its programs, BSI consistently collaborates with various institutions such as village administrations, educational bodies, and community groups.
This accolade signifies not only the positive benefits of BSI’s community programs but also the acknowledgment by the government.
Besides BSI, PT Sorikmas Mining which is owned by one of Merdeka’s shareholders, Provident Capital Indonesia, also received an award in the category of Educational Implementation through the Sharing Core Competency Company initiative.