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Affiliated Transaction of the Deed of the Merger between PBJ and ABI1.5 MB20 December 2022Affiliated Transaction of Conditional Shares Subscription Agreement between BPI and MBM1.0 MB12 December 2022Affiliated Transaction of Conditional Shares Subscription Agreement between MEN and MBM1.0 MB12 December 2022Affiliated Transaction of Services Provision Agreement between MMS and GSM908.3 KB3 November 2022Affiliated Transaction of Contract of Design Engineering and Mining Construction Services between SCM and MMS991.5 KB21 October 2022Announcement of Management Changes481.3 KB28 September 2022Affiliated and Material Transaction of Capex Facility and Put Option670.5 KB2 September 2022Affiliated Transaction of Parent Support Facility Agreement between MDKA and MTI635.9 KB25 August 2022Material Transaction of Amendment and Restatement of the Bridge Facility Agreement between MDKA and MTI680.0 KB18 August 2022Material Transaction between MDKA and MBM5.8 MB2 August 2022Affiliated Transaction of Project Expansion Bridge Facility Agreement between MDKA and MTI959.1 KB1 August 2022Additional Capital Increase in HLN by BTA716.8 KB1 July 2022Affiliated Transaction of Shares' Sale and Purchase of JPI between BTA and HLN460.3 KB1 July 2022Second Amendment to the Conditional Advance of Capital Payment Agreement between the Company and BTA1.6 MB30 June 2022Amendment and/or Addition to the Disclosure of Information regarding Plan of Capital Increase without Pre-Emptive Rights Issuance321.2 KB7 June 2022First Amendment to the Conditional Advance of Capital Payment Agreement between the Company and BTA799.1 KB24 May 2022Affiliated Transaction of Loan Agreement between MDKA and PPM296.9 KB19 May 2022Proposed Buyback of the Issued Shares374.7 KB4 May 2022Proposed Capital Increase Without Pre-Emptive Rights Issuance570.6 KB4 May 2022Affiliated Transaction of Loan Agreement between MDKA and ABI1.0 MB12 April 2022Affiliated Transaction of Loan Agreement between MDKA and PBJ1.0 MB12 April 2022Material Transaction of the Conditional Shares Subscription of HLN217.1 KB28 March 2022Material Transaction of the Conditional Advance of Capital Payment MDKA and BTA195.2 KB28 March 2022Disclosure of Information on Completion of Conditional Shares Subscription Agreement1.8 MB4 March 2022Disclosure of Information on The Purchase of Partial Shares Owned by Lion Selection Asia Limited Shares in PT Pani Bersama Jaya by the Company926.6 KB4 March 2022Affiliated Transactions of Parent Support Facility Agreement between MDKA and MTI730.4 KB7 February 2022Disclosure of Information of Affiliated Transactions between MDKA and MTI (CAPEX Facility)729.5 KB7 February 2022


Announcement Acquisition between PANI and Lion1.6 MB9 November 2018Disclosure of Material Information of Loan Agreement between MDKA and BSI166.0 KB5 November 2018Affiliated Transaction of Amendment I Facility Agreement between MDKA and EFDL335.0 KB5 November 2018Affiliated Transation of Loan Agreeement between BSI and MMS (2)497.3 KB5 November 2018Affiliated Transation of Loan Agreeement between BSI and MMS (1)497.3 KB5 November 2018Affiliated Transaction between MDKA and BSI557.2 KB22 October 2018Change of the composition of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners625.1 KB24 September 2018Disclosure Information on The Affiliated Transaction Novation between MDKA, EFDL and SRTG202.9 KB2 May 2018Disclosure Information of Affiliated Transaction of Assignment of Sponsor Loan204.0 KB2 May 2018Disclosure Information on The Affiliated Transaction Novation between MDKA, EFDL and Provident202.1 KB2 May 2018Disclosure Information on The Material Transaction Put Option425.1 KB18 April 2018Disclosure Information on The Change of Business Activities154.1 KB12 April 2018The Disclosure of Additional Information in Relation to The Proposed Capital Increase with Pre-emptive Right Issuance96.6 KB12 April 2018Disclosure Information of Affiliated Transaction of Facility Agreement by EFDL191.3 KB3 April 2018The Disclosure Information to the Shareholders of PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk in Relation to The Proposed Capital Increase with Pre-Emptive Rights Issuance134.6 KB22 March 2018Tujuh Bukit Oxide Project Update1.3 MB27 February 2018
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