Merdeka Participated in IGCN’s Coaching Clinic: Sustainability Reporting and Impact Assessment for Human Rights
PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk was one of the speakers at the “SDG 16 Business Framework: Inspiring Transformational Governance” organized by the Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN), the Indonesian representative of the UN Global Compact, an institution that promotes policies and implements corporate sustainability and supports broad goals United Nations, especially the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
This event was held by IGCN to increase understanding of SDG 16—Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, a business framework developed by the UN Global Compact to help companies become more accountable, ethical, inclusive, and transparent as drivers of responsible business behavior, through a number of coaching clinics. One of them is “Coaching Clinic 2: Creating a Safe, Fair, and Decent Work Environment: Sustainability Reporting and Impact Assessment for Human Rights” on 28 March 2023, with Tom Malik, General Manager of External Affairs Merdeka, as one of the resource persons.
Tom said that Merdeka’s commitment to respecting human rights has been embodied in several of Merdeka’s policies, which include human rights, sustainability, human resources, a code of conduct, a supplier code of conduct, and community policy. He also emphasized that respect for human rights is an ethical and responsible action that benefits businesses, contributes to sustainable development, and protects local communities. In the training session, he outlined the aspects companies need to pay attention to in preparing a Human Rights Policy and conducting a human rights impact assessment.
The coaching clinic was attended by more than 300 participants from companies and organizations which, like Merdeka, are members of the UN Global Compact. Merdeka’s participation in this coaching clinic demonstrates a strong commitment to respecting human rights and adhering to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact.