PT Bumi Suksesindo Hosted the 19th Indonesian Fire and Rescue Challenge.
PT Bumi Suksesindo (BSI) hosted the 19th Indonesian Fire and Rescue Challenge (IFRC). Participated by 24 teams of representatives from various companies in Indonesia, including PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk as the holding company of BSI, the event which was held on 14–22 November 2022 in Banyuwangi, East Java, was a forum for sharing knowledge of rescue. BSI participated and won some challenge categories, including the best-spirited team and fourth place for High Angle Rescue and Hazmat Spill Response. Merdeka won the best-performing team category and fourth and sixth place in the Road Accident Rescue and Mass Casualty Response and Firefighter Competency Test.
The management of IFRC by BSI is a form of Merdeka Group’s commitment to safety in every aspect of mining. BSI also made the IFRC event to support Banyuwangi tourism by placing the main activities in tourist areas: Pulau Merah, Boom Marina Beach, and the Banyuwangi Women’s Building to trigger economic activity. BSI also involves MSMEs and residents to support the event.
The day after IFRC, BSI sent an Emergency Response Team (ERT) and logistical assistance to Cianjur, West Java, which was hit by an earthquake two days earlier. The BSI ERT team, which is often involved in various humanitarian missions in disaster areas, joined the disaster preparedness team under the coordination of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources until early December.