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Merdeka is committed to improving the efficiency of energy use. We routinely calculate the amount of energy consumed against the products in our mining operations. In addition, we also calculate the consumption of energy sources other than electricity such as fuel (gasoline, diesel, and diesel B30) and acetylene.

Since 2020, Merdeka has started using Biodiesel (Diesel B30) to reduce diesel fuel. Biodiesel is a clean and renewable substitute for diesel oil. The use of biodiesel increases energy security, improves air and environmental quality, and provides safety benefits.

Energy efficiency initiatives that have been implemented include energy efficiency in power generation, managing peak, and lowest energy use, using solar panels for lighting in internal ports, and monitoring surface water. Merdeka is reviewing the technical and financial feasibility of using renewable energy sources.

In 2021, the Tujuh Bukit Gold Mine’s electricity usage will increase by 32.8% or 5.54 GJ/oz, compared to 4.17 GJ/oz in 2020.

Since 2020, the Tujuh Bukit Gold Mine has started using B30 diesel fuel for the operation of heavy equipment, light vehicles, and generators, resulting in an increase in the use of B30 diesel compared to previous years.

At the Wetar Copper Mine, energy and fuel consumption more than doubled, in line with production activities that also nearly quadrupled. Energy consumption at the Wetar Copper Mine is only based on a Scope 1 energy calculation because all of the energy consumed is self-generated.

Wetar Copper Mine’s energy consumption is divided into electrical energy which is mostly consumed by the processing plant and diesel fuel energy for mining activities. At the processing plant, the energy intensity is 3,304 kWh/tonne copper; down 41.4% compared to 5,647 kWh/ton copper in 2020. This decrease is a combination of the high energy efficiency and copper content of the Partolang Pit. For mining operations, energy intensity decreased by 40.0%, or 1.27 kL/ton copper, compared to 2.11 kL/ton copper in 2020. The total energy consumed during 2021 by the Wetar Copper Mine was 1,096 terajoules (TJ) resulting in an intensity of energy of 57.6 GJ/ton copper. This value is 40.3% lower than the 2020 energy intensity of 96.4 GJ/ton of copper.

One of the energy efficiency initiatives during 2021 is the replacement of generators that are more fuel-efficient, which has succeeded in reducing diesel consumption by up to 10%. The Wetar Copper Mine also implements an electricity-saving campaign to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions. In addition, the Wetar Copper Mine also installed 600 solar modules, part of a pilot project to replace dependence on fossil fuel power plants. Further studies to develop the installation of solar panels on Pulau Wetar are underway.

The Wetar Copper Mine also contributes to the supply of electricity in Lurang and Uhak villages. Throughout 2021, 236 households in Lurang Village and 98 households in Uhak will receive electricity. The total cost of fuel for electricity needs in the two villages is US$155,898.

Sustainability Report

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