Merdeka Group places respect for human rights as the foundation of all its business activities. We are committed to upholding the basic rights of all individuals, including employees, communities surrounding our operational areas, and others impacted by our activities. This commitment is reflected in Merdeka’s Human Rights Policy, which is based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, as well as other international documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights; and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
Merdeka’s Human Rights Policy encompasses respect for the rights to freedom of expression, assembly, and association, while strictly prohibiting all forms of discrimination, harassment, and violence in the workplace. We also emphasize the importance of a healthy, safe, inclusive work environment, free from forced labor, child labor, and human trafficking. This commitment extends beyond our internal operations to our business partners and suppliers, who are required to adhere to our Supplier Sustainability Code of Conduct.
To ensure the implementation of this commitment, Merdeka conducts human rights due diligence, which includes identifying and assessing risks and impact to human rights, integrated into relevant internal functions and processes, tracking the effectiveness of actions taken, and communicating the measures to address impacts. In this process, we strive to engage the most vulnerable stakeholders especially if they face difficulties in expressing their opinions or obtaining information related to the follow-up of their opinions. We also identify additional follow-up actions to avoid, prevent, or mitigate impacts on them.
The Sustainability Committee regularly monitors and reports on human rights performance to the Board of Directors, which holds the highest level of oversight for this policy’s implementation. Additionally, regular human rights training is provided to employees, including security personnel, to ensure that they understand and apply human rights principles in their daily tasks.
We actively participate in various global human rights programs. Since 2022, Merdeka has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact, which provides access to international networks, guidance, and training to enhance the company’s sustainability performance. We regularly prepare and submit a Communication on Progress (CoP) to the United Nations Global Compact.
In doing so, we consistently strive to ensure that all aspects of our operations align with respect for human rights, both within our internal scope and in our interactions with communities and other stakeholders.
For more information on human rights management, see the 2023 Sustainability Report pp. 156–163.