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Merdeka Mining Servis

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PT Bumi Suksesindo

Anak perusahaan
PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk

Metode Penambangan:
Tambang terbuka

Kuartal I – 2022: sekian ounces
Produksi 2021: sekian ounces emas

Jumlah Karyawan:
200 orang

Usia Tambang:

Investor Presentation




Exploration Report


Press Release

Information Disclosure



Affiliated Transaction of the Deed of the Merger between PBJ and ABI1.5 MBAffiliated Transaction of Conditional Shares Subscription Agreement between BPI and MBM1.0 MBAffiliated Transaction of Conditional Shares Subscription Agreement between MEN and MBM1.0 MBAffiliated Transaction of Services Provision Agreement between MMS and GSM908.3 KBAffiliated Transaction of Contract of Design Engineering and Mining Construction Services between SCM and MMS991.5 KBAnnouncement of Management Changes481.3 KBAffiliated and Material Transaction of Capex Facility and Put Option670.5 KBAffiliated Transaction of Parent Support Facility Agreement between MDKA and MTI635.9 KBMaterial Transaction of Amendment and Restatement of the Bridge Facility Agreement between MDKA and MTI680.0 KBMaterial Transaction between MDKA and MBM5.8 MBAffiliated Transaction of Project Expansion Bridge Facility Agreement between MDKA and MTI959.1 KBAdditional Capital Increase in HLN by BTA716.8 KBAffiliated Transaction of Shares' Sale and Purchase of JPI between BTA and HLN460.3 KBSecond Amendment to the Conditional Advance of Capital Payment Agreement between the Company and BTA1.6 MBAmendment and/or Addition to the Disclosure of Information regarding Plan of Capital Increase without Pre-Emptive Rights Issuance321.2 KBFirst Amendment to the Conditional Advance of Capital Payment Agreement between the Company and BTA799.1 KBAffiliated Transaction of Loan Agreement between MDKA and PPM296.9 KBProposed Buyback of the Issued Shares374.7 KBProposed Capital Increase Without Pre-Emptive Rights Issuance570.6 KBAffiliated Transaction of Loan Agreement between MDKA and ABI1.0 MBAffiliated Transaction of Loan Agreement between MDKA and PBJ1.0 MBMaterial Transaction of the Conditional Shares Subscription of HLN217.1 KBMaterial Transaction of the Conditional Advance of Capital Payment MDKA and BTA195.2 KBDisclosure of Information on Completion of Conditional Shares Subscription Agreement1.8 MBDisclosure of Information on The Purchase of Partial Shares Owned by Lion Selection Asia Limited Shares in PT Pani Bersama Jaya by the Company926.6 KBAffiliated Transactions of Parent Support Facility Agreement between MDKA and MTI730.4 KBDisclosure of Information of Affiliated Transactions between MDKA and MTI (CAPEX Facility)729.5 KB
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